Finding The Best Cooling For Gaming PCs

Cooling is one of the most overlooked aspects of building a gaming PC. When building a gaming PC, you should be thinking about cooling prior to even purchasing your parts. After all, the parts you end up buying are going to directly impact the temperature at which your PC is capable of running at which can directly impact performance. Because of this, you want to place an emphasis on really finding the right cooling components for your PC. Below, we will talk about some of the keys to having the best cooling for gaming PCs.

Having The Best Cooling For Gaming PCs:

1. Fans.

One of the most important aspects of your PC is going to be the number of fans you have in the case, the quality of the fans, and the setup of your fans. You need to invest in high-quality fans if you have a smaller case with less direct airflow. If your case is large and if it is designed to maximize airflow, you might be able to get away with fewer fans. Regardless, you should be looking to purchase high-quality fans that are capable of high RPMs. Some people enjoy having a quiet PC or a nearly silent PC which means you will need to get dampeners in order to minimize rattle and other noises your fan might make. It is never wise to avoid placing fans purely to make your PC quieter.

2. All-In-On CPU Cooler.

While there are specific air coolers on the market that can really cool your CPU well, for the best performance, you will want to stick with either an all-in-one cooling solution or a custom loop. For those that are not looking to create their own custom loop, an all-in-one CPU cooler is an excellent choice. You will be able to cool the CPU sufficiently using various sized radiators which can allow you to achieve much better temperatures than you would get with most (if not all) air coolers. If you are going to go for an air cooler, it needs to be one of the highest-rated air coolers on the market that is capable of cooling the type of CPU you are intending on using. However, if you are planning on overclocking your CPU, it is typically best to avoid air coolers altogether.

3. Case.

Believe it or not, but your case can make a big difference when it comes to cooling your PC. You want to be sure that you are investing in a case that has optimal airflow. A lot of the cases on the market might sacrifice airflow for a smaller form factor or for aesthetics. If your idea is to get the best cooling possible out of your PC, you will want to get a case that prioritizes airflow above all else.

Overall, there is plenty that you can do in order to get the best cooling out of your computer. By following the tips above, you will be able to maximize your ability to keep all of your components cool and running optimally.